Through an AFG FP&S grant, FIRST is now administering the FOCUS survey on a first-come, first-served basis to 500 fire departments -- career and volunteer – a $10,000 to $15,000 value at NO COST. Get the new tool to FOCUS your department on a safer culture The Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) and the Center for Firefighter Injury Research & Safety Trends (FIRST) at Drexel University have partnered to help you FOCUS on your safety culture. FOCUS- the Fire Service Organizational Culture of Safety survey- was developed through the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant R&D Program specifically for the fire service and is a tool that will provide your fire department with objective data to assess your safety culture. A validation study showed for every 10-point increase in FOCUS score, there is on average a...
“...In my heart I believe that we promote a safe culture…, but it was gratifying to see that others in our organization believe this to be true also…I like the fact that I can now put actual numbers to what has previously been a ‘gut feeling’.” – Fire Chief “We are very appreciative for the insight, and the data gives me a goal to shoot for and a way to measure it. Some of the info I had a gut feeling about, but others were completely a surprise.” – Fire Chief Now through an AFG FP&S grant, FIRST is administering the FOCUS survey on a first-come, first-served basis to 500 fire departments -- career and volunteer – at no cost. Interested in administering FOCUS?
Fill out this WORKSHEET (you’ll need to enter the data online, so doing it before will save you time) Filled out the Worksheet? Submit your information online HERE PLEASE NOTE: Only one entry per fire department will be accepted (i.e. Chief, Commissioner, Safety Officer). In addition, FIRST strongly encourages departments to involve their IAFF Local in FOCUS Assessment, if applicable. Need additional information about FOCUS & what’s involved in assessment? CLICK HERE After administering the FOCUS survey your fire department will receive:
“This training takes you into the world of data and science. Learning to understand data and science allows departments to go deeper into the world of safety. In time this will allow facts to be the rule in place of opinion or theory.” – FOCUS Culture Camp Participant “I believe the part where we broke down the data for our organization was the most enjoyable. It helped me understand more about my organization and what I must do when I return home to prepare our people for the future of improving our safety culture. It showed me that the people are the ones that create the safety culture in any organization.”– FOCUS Culture Camp Participant Please direct any questions to either of the following FIRST Team members: Andrea Davis Senior Project Manager [email protected], 267-359-6059 Lauren Shepler Outreach & Communications Manager [email protected], 336-309-1411 The FIRST Center website: FDSOA’s Website: