Federal Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program
The PSOB Program provides death benefits in the form of a one-time financial payment to the eligible survivors of public safety officers whose deaths are the direct and proximate result of a traumatic injury sustained in the line of duty. As of October 1, 2015, the benefit amount is $339,881.00. The PSOB Program provides disability benefits for public safety officers who have been permanently and totally disabled by a catastrophic personal injury sustained in the line of duty if that injury permanently prevents the officer from performing any substantial and gainful work. The PSOB Program includes the Public Safety Officers' Educational Assistance (PSOEA) Act. This act expands on the former Federal Law Enforcement Dependents Assistance Program to provide financial assistance for higher education for the spouses and children of federal, state, and local public safety officers who have been permanently disabled or killed in the line of duty. For more information on these programs, click here. ( Texas State Benefits
Effective September 1, 2015, $500,000 lump sum payment to eligible spouse if firefighter died in performance of duty and from exposure to a risk. If there is no spouse, payment is given in equal shares to children. New legislation includes children with no limit on age. If there is no eligible surviving spouse or children, payment is given to parents in equal shares. Contact: Employees Retirement System of Texas. PO Box 13207, Austin, TX 78711-3207. Phone: (512) 476-6431 or (877) 275-4377.
Office of Fire Fighters' Pension Commissioner Cities participating in the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System (TESRS) and Texas Local Fire Fighters' Retirement Act (TLFFRA) are provided with On-Duty Death Benefits of at least $60,000 and Off-Duty Death Benefits of at least $2,160. For more information, click here. ( Workers' Compensation and/or Accident & Sickness Benefits
Many political subdivisions and independent emergency service organizations purchase Workers’ Compensation and/or Accident & Sickness benefits for their employees and volunteers. Contact your City or County Human Resource Director or your organization’s insurance agent to find out what benefits may be available. For information on how to purchase Workers’ Compensation and/or Accident & Sickness coverage on your employees and volunteers, contact our office at 800-252-9435. |